You would not hire me... I sell myself on my track record of released enterprise projects.
I worked with a guy that could speak design patterns. I could never speak that way, though I was one of the few that could well understand him. The managers loved him and he could dominate any development conversation. The people working around him said he left a trail of destruction behind him. I was told that I was the first person that could understand his projects. Maintainability matters. I care most about TCO. For some firms, that's what matters.
I logged into Github after not being there for a while and for some reason it took me to an article in a repository by someone that seemed random. I was thinking "what is this" and had some trouble getting to my home page, so I read it. I didn't really register it at the time, but it was amazing. Every developer should read it. It largely said that almost everything we've been told about programming best practices leads to excessive "cognitive load", meaning our minds are getting kicked by the intellectual demands. I've known this for a while, especially with the demands of cloud, security and DevOps.
I also liked it because it described practices I have done for decades, but never much admit to because they are not popular... I write really complicated stuff and need all the help I can get.
Consider, if I'm right, it popped up because the Github folks, very smart people, though that developers should see it. I agree.