Wow. I wasn't all that impressed by the article, but the comments I see are definitely silly.
I study humans a good deal and we have two primary instincts. (1) The typical blind competition of red in tooth and claw of nature. It's best known as dominance behavior but many call it controlling. Maybe good for "Alphas". (2) we also have very cooperative behavior... as evidenced by how fast the brain evolved when we left the trees. We were not adapted. We needed to cooperate to survive in our new ecology and avoid the big cats that found us slow and tasty. You can easily see both behaviors in yourself, others groups and nations. The thing is that 70,000 years ago, there was an evolutionary event, perhaps the parietal lobe evolved some or maybe the better way to put it is that the brain re-organized. Art, tools, weapons, social structures, burial customs, ... everything changed and we were far better adapted to the ecology, We dominated it. We killed the cats and then started killing each other. It probably peaked with Rome. I study all of this this in an ecological context. The point is that we are creating a new ecology to replace the hunter gatherer ecology we left for the farms and cities of civilization. We are transitioning from one to the other. So where does the alpha fit into this? The alpha is a creature of nature created by the brutality of evolution and has limited future in the civilization that is our life support system. Civilization does not exist in nature and war can damage or destroy it. To survive, we must cooperate. and protect our civilization. We can't lose the ability to fight back or the alpha will do what he does. He must be deterred, but he is not an asset to the world we are creating and his strategy is dangerous.
You can learn more about it by looking for "Genetics For A New Ecology" at Amazon or YouTube.
Oh and for all the weird comments below, you know little about the nature or role of alpha in nature. They provide stability to the social system, especially in humans. They don't necessarily dominate, they are pushed there to stabilize things. Refusing to accept the role causes chaos. I know... And the best way to attract alpha aggression is to talk like I just wrote, but ... one look at me and no one considers it :)