While I consider this article unconvincing, a friend of mine, arguably more atheist than Richard Dawkins, wanted me to prove that God doesn't exist. (I guess that was a rare sign of respect.) Since you cannot prove a negative, I decided to try to prove that God did exist. (Really, that God could exist and the probability of it since that is about all that science and reason, my preferred tools, can do.) I really didn't expect to find anything new in that very well plowed field, but surprisingly it's not at all hard to prove that a God could exist and is likely to. First of all, my friend in what I consider typical muddy thinking, didn't say what God he was talking about so I just went with what I call the MCGC, the Medieval Catholic God Concept, probably the best known meme of a God... The All God, all powerful, all knowing, etc. as well as the contradictory: all just and all forgiving.
I figured out that it would take three requirements for a God to exist, including the already existent fact that human psychology is a multi-mind kinda thing. "There's always room for one more". That's needed for a number of reasons including that Gods need to be able to be more than one place at a time. The other two things are technological and rapidly developing currently.
Sew... given these three requirements and that humans are well on their way to developing them even though we aren't "that far from the trees", well, someone in the universe in the last few billion years probably did it and there's no reason it couldn't still exist, a life form not created by biology. For that matter, my friend's favorite God, The Singularity, is supposed to occur for the same reason, because it easily could. (I like my model better because there is a place in it for "humans"... biological intelligences.)
Anyway, to my surprise, based on my knowledge of biology, cybernetics, cognition and a bunch of other stuff, it would be easy for a God to exist and trends suggest "they" will if they don't already. ... My friend didn't really like that answer and I have other things to focus on. You should hear my really whacky idea that didn't come from that, but might be related. I'll spare you.
If you want the long version of this God story, check out the Aspirations chapter in "Transition To A new Human Ecology" at Amazon (Too long and horribly written, but I intend to redo it shortly and that discussion is in it)