What, it only took you years? I must be slow. It took me decades.
Yep, nobody cares. We warn. They don’t listen.
Ya want a new model? What does it need? Something really scary... You've tried that, but I know something really really really scary, I figured it out in 1976. But, like you, I also learned that it's not enough.
Yeah, people don't listen. Really, the problem is that humans aren't programmed to think that way, or are they? What if there is one time that people listen about the future? It's great being a biologist, because it shows you that there is a time. So, when they are already scared, you have to hit them at that time and what you hit them with had better be a cheap, easy solution, hopefully one that generates some kind of money for them.
I found it. It's in:
Medical Journal Lancet Sept. 26, 2012.
ARTICLES| VOLUME 380, ISSUE 9854, P1674-1682, NOVEMBER 10, 2012
Well, not really. It's just the first time I found confirmation of what I figured out in 1976.
What did you say? We’re all in the sh*t. Oh yes we are. You see, there are other dangers than capitalism and climate change. I mean, there's something that might be as bad or worse than greed. It's called de novo mutations. In 1976, I called them non-integral genes. Call them what you want, they are broken genes and they occur in every generation. Normally disease would remove them... you know, natural selection. The problem is that what we call human progress is largely the removal of natural selection, but no species can survive that because they will get what is called a "genetic load" of broken genes.
To make it short (for me anyway), that presents a existential threat, ... just like all the rest of them. Like the rest "that you feel it too". (Oh yeah, that's your moral instinct warning you of danger. Everyone feels it, but while related, ... not here.) Sew, what does that give you? That's that really really really scary because it (and older parents and smaller families) means that birth defect rates are going to explode. We're already at 15% infertility. Now that will grab em by the instincts. Better still, when thinking about family or getting pregnant, women, and even men, are programmed to think about the future. What if at that time when they are scared and thinking about the future, you could offer them an economical, ethical way (has to be both) to husband the genes to prevent genetic defects in their children. Better still, at the same time, you could offer a way for the children to inherit the best genes of both parents, something that nature absolutely cannot do? What would be the value of that? Genes are the ultimate wealth and they can be transmitted to the children for free. Watch the status dreams of that kick in.
Now the beauty of this is not just the genetic wealth of it, but consciously guiding their genetic destiny this way (as described in "Genetics For A New Human Ecology"), would almost inevitably get them to think about consciously guiding their strategic destiny, especially if someone wrote a compelling book that was also aligned to genetics and instinct about how to create a very neeto future. They could call it "Strategy For A New Human Ecology". Yeah, that sounds good. Easy Peasy, Geneasy.
So now that you admit you failed, will you look at another path? It took me over 5 decades, but I think it's a possibility and I see a very bright future on that path. Don't chronicle disaster, prevent it and find a future of human aspirations. It's there, like you used to believe it is.