This is thoughtful and scholarly, but I have to think it a waste of time... like most discussions of Jesus. I can give you a good reason to believe that Jesus himself would read this and face palm.
What is the value of this knowledge? Does it effect anyone? Does it effect society? Nope. Not really.
On the other hand, what is the greatest evil in the world? Oh, lots of them... but let's start with war (or it could be greed). Notice that Jesus said how to avoid War. Buddhism and Stoicism say how to deal with war, but not really how to avoid it. Jesus said how to avoid it: forgiveness and love one another. Don't you think that's the message Jesus would want you to talk about rather than about the messenger of those lessons? Nothing in your ... smart essay even mention that. Now I shouldn't wretch because your title says it wasn't your point, so I guess I'm just venting, but I wish people weren't enamored with Jesus as a rock star and would listen to his lyrics, which is what he intended.