There's a very honest article about the Three Levels of Pretty Privilage.
It is what it is. men are programmed to be interested in women and women have gotten away with a lot because of it. Beaty is a few things, but it is also an evolutionary tactic to be manipulative. On the other side, 1/4 of women used to die in childbirth.
Everything has changed now and we are all trying to adjust. Men are ahead of the women on that right now. They have had to reduce their dominance behavior and even the natural competition between males. The cops show up if they don't.
Women liked the benefits they have always had, while at the same time having gained enormous privilege and reduced cost. It's sort of like class warfare though where the upper class gets carried away and the peasants revolt.
I hope they can figure it out because it isn't good for anyone in the long run. Men are figuring it out and the women aren't willing to compromise or give up any privileges, again like in the class war.