So you're telling me that the intellectual giants of science (from before the current problems existed) also knew philosophy. Amazing. How about the people currently blinded by technology that the article was about? How about your average voter that has to discern truth in all the daily disinformation? Philosophy is pretty much not taught until perhaps high school, if then. I have some very well educated friends and it shocked me to find how bad they were at locating logical fallacies in an article. Look at the news and the comments to the news. There is an obvious lack of training in critical thinking, the primary lesson and tool of philosophy. So you tell me why they have no training in the basics of philosophy. You tell me then why people commonly think philosophy is a dead subject. You tell me where it is commonly taught. Oh no, it's all about STEM. Yes, some philosophy comes from culture but common awareness of philosophy, it's tools and uses are just missing. The Unibomber described a problem. I look for solutions and there is more to that problem than you likely know... including the current population decline. It's not about science replacing philosophy, it's simply about a lack of training in philosophy that provides understandings and behaviors. Science is just why. A very early start in philosophical education could prevent a lot of modern problems like what the Unibomber talked about. If you have another solution other than going backwards, tell me about it.