Possibly to consider related to this article was another article I can't find just now, but it showed that there was a 1% increase in maternal mortality since the law. There was more importantly a 12% increase in infant mortality (first year). Extrapolate how many of those infants went into neo-natal ICU, probably at $1,000,000 a pop. Add in the ones that went into ICU but didn't die in the first year along with all the disabilities of those survivors and the cost must be staggering. The insurance companies must have loved it.
I like posting what is on the lib-talk.com website about political issues, such as:
What I don't get is why the religionists even object to abortion. It's certainly not forbidden in the Bible where they claim their moral authority comes from.
The thing is that morality is how we judge good and bad, based on our moral instincts and moral training. Those are about survival and it is that morality that drives a women's actions when abortion is involved. It isn't about religion as many Christian women have abortions and the Bible is quite clear that it is not a crime (Job & Ezekiel). Clearly it isn't law since abortion continues when it is outlawed. It is about a women's choice about what she and her family needs to survive. Even in the issues with no moral implications, laws are not perfect, so there are judges. Abortion is a moral issue and must be resolved by judgement. Christianity is literally about having free will to make that judgement. No one can legislate that.
Jesus never mentioned abortion even once, even though it was common in the Roman world he ministered in. Since he clearly ministered to the prostitutes, he undoubtedly comforted some women that had made that choice. Maybe he didn't think it needed to be mentioned.