Okey Dokey, I'll review this the way I do...
Why can't our history be about civilization? Sure it's flawed, but do you expect it to magically appear full grown like Venus or is it something we have to develop and work for? Generation after generation has worked for civilization because they know it is the alternative to the brutish of nature. Wise people are aware that the battle for civilization isn't a war to be won but battles to be fought by all good men and women generation after generation. It's called life.
Maybe there is another answer to Nietzsche and the Existentialists. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean that there isn't one. I can tell it to you. It has three parts that come from history, philosophy and biology.
If we walked the wrong path, why did we? I can tell you. It is because of the almost inevitable strategies that resulted from Darwinian evolution. Are there alternatives? Yes, particularly in philosophy and religion but also from an examination of biology. We even have the instincts for an alternative. They are just older but they are still there and really the majority of people use them. It's just that the ones using Darwinian competition and dominance are far more noticeable than all the good people you deal with daily.
You quite correctly complain about violence and dominance but can you explain why that happens? That is the starting point. Is there an alternative? It turns out that from our evolutionary history there is and it is known in philosophy or at least religion.
The capacity for violence doesn't come from existential despair. It comes from that it has been a good survival strategy for humans for the last 150,000 years. It worked. It is a problem in civilization because being a created ecology, violence endangers the civilization we depend on for survival. They figured that out 2000 years ago and it's why the Iron Age strategy of the Roman Empire was replaced. It was just based on tribal violence.
So you want a new enlightenment... but all you have is wishful thinking. "Can't we all just get along". You list a new view of People, Economics, environment. Do you want one?
The Earth is not all that supports us. Yes, our ecology is our life support system.Then you have to call civilization an ecology. It can support well over twenty times what any other naturally occurring ecology can support. It is really the only potential for humans to become more than ... walking apes.
You want happiness, fulfillment, love, truth, beauty, goodness?
You want to end existential despair?
You want to reduce the violence?
You want relationships??? Oh, your solution is relationships with the life on this planet. How about starting with a relationship with our own life? How about just starting with and understanding of our basic own survival instinct? Then maybe we could connect to the rest of the life of the Earth. Actually our survival instinct was hidden from us by those that claimed humans are divine rather than natural but I can tell you how to get that back. I can tell you how to see your survival instinct in yourself and others. It's pretty cool. Your moral instincts are how you decide right from wrong, but your survival isntincts are why you make that decision. It's jsut that instincts are old and can't talk to you but you can recognize and understand them. You can even talk to them. For what youa re asking for, you need to start with understanding your own survival instincts. Oh, you can't because they also stole the name of it. If you only could figure out that word. The word for your most powerful instinct, your instinct for survival. If you could do that you could start to reconnect but you don't know that word, do you. It should amaze you that for something so basic, important and powerful, you have no name. Isn't that curious. I know its name.
Now now now, don't revert to claiming religion being the problem. It is the tool. Religion is a good thing when its not corrupted. It husbands morality which gives it a great power which naturally attracts those that want to dominate people. The instinct for dominance is the problem, not the tool they use to do it. Like religion, technology is great until it's used for war and control. Economics are great until dominance drives cause it to be used for power, control and greed. Nature is wonderful but gets destroyed by the same dominance drives for exploitation and power. It's about power and always has been. ...The title of my current essay :). Understand human nature, the bad and the good and you will see the source of the problem and the potential for the solution.
You want it now?
It's not just about masters and slaves. If you say that, then you ha to say how that came about and those questions lead back to Darwinian Evolution. If you don't go there, you won't find the questions and then you won't recognized the answers that philosophy, science and religion can offer. The answers are there but start where the problem starts, with biology. Then you can understand the answers available in philosophy and religion.
I dare you. I double dare you. Take a look. I've put in over 40 years of work to answer your questions, how humans can genetically and strategically adapt to the ecology that follows the tribal ecology. I'm working on what I hope is the last part, the book about strategy but most of it is in place if you care to look. https://s3.amazonaws.com/zagwap.com/videos/index.html