Obviously Trump wants to escalate not just his usual chaos but the violence as well. He wants the military involved. Now the military knows his intent but what are they going to do about Tulsa? Trump could have only one reason for planning a rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth (or the day after) and that is to instigate a riot. He’s hoping he can cause so much civil unrest before the election that he can force the military to get involved and then he can pretty much mess with the election all he wants in the name of an emergency. The best thing the protest community can do is keep it to a minimum and not play into Trump’s plan. Don’t give him any cause celebre to declare martial law like he wants to. He has chosen his battle and battlefield. Only a foolish general would fight at the time and place his enemy wants him to. Protest, but always keep it peaceful and prevent looting and property damage. Trump wants violence. He thrives in the kind of chaos that would destroy a country or business. He wants his opposition to lose control because that is how he can win.