Nice article.
What have I been before?” - I wish Maslow had never used the term "Self Actualized" for what he did, because it would be more useful to describe Jung's concept here and "Self Aware" is just over used. ... But then I take a biological view and just think of it as a development thing, perhaps a behavioral release, rather than anything so obscure.
As for evil, sure, evil comes from man, but where did man get it. Being a biologist, I point out that man's bad behaviors, mindless competition, are simply nature's commonest strategy for mammals. Looking at it that way, one can then see the cooperative behaviors that humanity evolved as well. Cooperation was so important to human survival as they left the trees 6 million years ago, that the human brain underwent extremely rapid evolution as shown by the rapid size increase. You can see both strategies in yourself, others and even in institutions. We will need to know them well in order to survive into the future.
My sister is a "student of Jung" so we have discussed his ideas. His and Freud's work, looked at in terms of biology and instinct, are fairly easy to understand, including a few parts that might be well updated. I asked her why they didn't consider instincts. She said it just wasn't a thing then.