Just a thought... What if faith is not what you have been told at all? Faith is defined as an unsupported belief. "Faith'" is said to be an unsupported belief in God. What if it's not but actually something similar? I'm a biologist and came up with a different meaning for "Faith". See what you think.
As a biologist, you would expect our survival instinct to be our strongest drive. You would think that our most basic instinct for survival would be very powerful and obvious but it seems sort of hidden. They talk about animal survival instincts that will make an animal in a trap chew off its leg, but have you ever heard of human survival instinct? ....... Again this is a case of it being obscured by the Catholic Church. They hid it by taking its name. The name of human survival instinct, in a person, is "Faith". Faith is defined as an unsupported belief. The Church claimed that it was an unsupported belief in God but it is actually a belief in self. This is an observation that is meant to convey an understanding. It is not a critique of the Church. That distortion of belief might be even beneficial to survival but the point of this is to know about your own instinct for survival. ... Consciously knowing about your survival instinct and knowing its name allows you to recognize and explore it [in yourself and others]. You can see it in the choices about right and wrong that a person makes, their moral decisions. You can see it in everything they do. If you see the outcome of them consistently working to make careful moral decisions, which are driven by faith, then you can assume they have a strong survival instinct.