I'm writing an essay on how to cure this and why we have to. Here's a comment that you might find of interest.:
World War I demonstrated the power and wealth of science. The ancient war between science and religion was decisively won in the 1925 Scopes trial, but religion was not the only thing damaged. Philosophy was a collateral casualty. What if that victory by science was Pyric? Science is a jealous mistress. It claims all authority over knowledge and truth, even though it is not good at teaching understanding or even reason. STEM is almost all we teach now, besides perhaps art. (Luckily this is incorrect.) No Home Economics, no Phys Ed, no Civics, no Manual Arts... What else was lost and does it hurt science? It does. It hurts so many things. Philosophy used to be taught in grammar school. It needs to be again, for science, for healthy families, for mental health, for healthy societies, for so many things. It is the foundation our science, knowledge, government and even our civilization was built upon. They shall not endure without it.
I'm currently writing an essay about how almost every social ill from population decline to the battle of the sexes to drug addiction could be solved by teaching philosophy along with reading and writing. It might even be true.
So that is why we don't teach critical thinking anymore. Why and how we can teach it is another thing, but this is long enough. I'm writing a book now that includes those parts and more. I wonder if anyone will buy it.