If you were to ask most people if humanity is in a moral crisis, most would agree. It is because of the massive changes that have odccured and that we still haven't caught up with. If you want to talk about the bigger picture of ecology, talk ecology. It is a great tool of understanding.
When humanity created the farms and cities of civilization, we were creating a new ecology to replace the "hunter-gatherer" ecology that we developed in and were most adapted to. It was a new way of living, of getting the resources needed for survival. It seems odd in terms of biology but "civilization" must also be considered an ecology, an environment where a species can find the resources it needs to survive. As an ecology, it represents our life support system. It is not an ecology that exists in nature. It is one that must be built and maintained. Then it is a question of how can humans genetically and strategically adapt to that new ecology because that is how it will be built. Our survival will be based on our adaptation even more than the machines we make. I've systematically worked on this problem for decades and I see solutions. (I also see a genetic problem that no one seems to notice but that will open doors in the future.) To answer that question I've published "Genetics For A New Human Ecology" to describe the solution to the genetic adaptation part which can also be found (an earlier version) on YouTube. I need to rewrite "Transition", but it also systematically lays out a strategic path to a new ecology.
I assure you that there are solutions and that they must come from potentials we have in humanity. They are there. We just need to catch up some on our knowledge and use our potentials.