2 min readSep 27, 2021


I said that I had thought about this a fair amount... I kept thinking there was something I was missing. I see something else that I think is worth commenting on. Why mention Maslow at all? Why comment on his hierarchy of needs at all? I guess mentioning Maslow is worth it to describe the primacy of individualism assumed in Western culture. Then it is compared to the value of individualism in the Blackfoot culture. What remains though is the Blackfoot value of the community and culture. That is nowhere to be found in Maslow's discussion at all. Isn't that value something worthy of consideration on its own? All indigenous peoples have creation stories of "their people". Is there a story of the survival of "their people"? If that is what you mean by culture, fine, but where is the concept of the biological survival of "their people"? With the threat of climate catastrophe, why isn't there a discussion of the value of the continued survival of humanity? SciFi movies may talk about the spaceship sent to preserve some human survivors on another planet or Elon Musk may think it would be good to build colonies on Mars to ensure human survival but why don't we talk about the survival of humanity on Earth? Wouldn't that offer great value? We talk endlessly about individualism and glorify it in movies, but it comes at a great cost to the society. Many people think about the group and work for it, but why is there no mention of it unless you extract it from some obscure discussion of the Blackfoot nation? There is almost no talk about balancing the value and needs of the society with the rights of the individual even if the entire preamble of the American Constitution is a statement about We The People, that doesn't mention individuals. It is a moral statement and real morality is more complicated than the individual. The laws in the Constitution are details that don't manage to encompass the larger requirements of the survival of the nation, the culture, The People. Heck, now corporations are people, but what about nations. Maybe it is neglected because it is relegated to God but the survival of The People is a discussion we should be having instead of the obsession with individual rights or even needs. The value of the survival of humanity needs to be discussed. We better think about working together to survive together or we are likely to all perish together.




Written by a1swdeveloper

I work on long term human survival as humans try to adapt to a new ecology after we left the tribal ecology for the farms and cities of civilization

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