I really like this… At first I thought I wouldn’t because I knew it was missing something very important, but no, it’s on the right track. Human survival is about ecology and the path is through a stimulus. But what if much of that stimulus is not about money, but instead a different kind of wealth? I mean how are you going to convince people to do what you are saying, build ecologies? You need a moral wealth for that, something that is in short supply. There is a wealth almost as great though and it can lead to moral wealth as well as support your vision of rebuilding ecologies. … also the coronavirus leads to the clue. What would happen if there was a vaccine for every disease? Essentially, there is. This Covid 19 virus is a trivial nuisance compared to the diseases we already have vaccines for such as smallpox, measles and flu. …Stay with me here… Long ago I asked what would happen if you removed all diseases. Well, they are part of natural selection which keeps the genes of the species healthy. Disease particularly is a general selective effect that acts on any weak link in the system. It is the primary agent that removes de novo mutations, the genes that get broken every generation. Removing disease is going to lead to a disastrous genetic load of broken genes. So how does that relate? Well, the above essay is both correct and brilliant, but how do we get there? Few people are impressed by brilliant ideas and as Plato pointed, they might kill you for having them. What though if people, especially women because of their instincts, realized that more and more of their children were more increasingly likely to have birth defects because of the removal of natural selection. It’s already happening. Widespread genetic research is showing it. I don’t know why this isn’t more widely known but I am hoping that when it does become known that women aren’t going to tolerate it. They will demand an alternative. Well, it turns out that there is an economical and ethical way to husband our genes. My hope is that if we start to control our genetic destiny, nature does a very poor job of it, that we will then start to direct our ecological destiny such as suggested above. It turns out that there is another reason we have to do that besides the ecological disasters we’ve been causing such as global warming. If we do that though, if we take our genetic and strategic destiny into our own hands, that will represent an moral wealth that might just be enough to keep us alive. At the same time, husbanding out genes can create a genetic wealth that is incalculable. What is the value of health? It is even more than that. I’ve worked for decades to find a path to future human survival. I have these great ideas, similar to the essay above. I’ve learned that few people care about them, but if they cared about the genetic disaster we face, I’m hoping that the other ideas like the one in this article will become a solution to the ecological challenges and disasters we face. Most of the story can be found here … Genetics For a New Human Ecology