I really like this article. It's a topic I'm always curious about and this is excellent by any standard.
A problems is I'm very intelligent and there is no guide to how to deal with that. I didn't deal well and the weird place it puts me is unfamiliar to most women. That is scary or even perhaps threatening... More fun than that, physically, I appear downright threatening. There's no getting around it. I'm hard, big and don't move like other people. .. and again, there is no guide. I didn't figure it out. Yeah, I became a "nice guy", something all authors agree is a blow it.
Most of the rest I think I was able to swing, but I understand, I'm not just a scary guy, but also very hard to understand. How could she feel secure?
I do know one way to screw it up worse though. I fell in love.... abandon hope all ye who drink from that cup...