I read this looking for one particular belief. It wasn't there. What a shock. It was crowded out by science, which is a good belief, but missing some critical parts needed for human survival. It's not just belief though. I'm a biologist so I study instincts as well, particularly survival and moral instincts. They are needed too and science has crowded out what teaches them as well. Don't get me wrong. Science has always been my life, but biology was what showed me what science was missing. So you skeptically ask what is this magical belief that can solve our problems? What could possibly have such power... and specifically not be mentioned here? Well, what beliefs is our entire civilization built upon? Good old Western Philosophy. That is what the Founders of America were educated in. It was the king of knowledge, but it was a casualty of the war between science and religion. Everyone thinks we need better critical thinking skills, but the masters of logic and reason, the Ancient Greeks, seem forgotten. I discovered this problem in the context of looking for why there was population decline in developed nations. It seems to be because the instincts to have families are not developed. I concluded that teaching the most basic of philosophy to children, as it always used to be, would be the best possible solution. It's not about teaching right and wrong, what has worked and what ahs not. It's about stimulating moral instincts that are what decided right from wrong and ultimately hold the instincts to have families. It would solve much more as well. Give a glance...