Hmmm Interesting I don't focus a whole lot on some of this problem, but I do study dominance behavior. I study civilization as an ecology, our "life support system" and violence is the greatest threat to it. Most often, it is dominance behavior is what leads to violence. Well, dominance and violence(instinct) are sort of the default settings for "red of tooth and claw" Ma Nature. On the other hand, humans have an alternate instinctive strategy developed about 3 million years ago when Lucy was taking up hiking. Humans weren't well adapted to their new ecology based on walking and were quite vulnerable. The big cats found them delicious. The survival strategy they developed was cooperation and communication, as evidenced by how fast the brain evolved. About 70,000 years ago, everything changed. Call it a reorganization of the human brain (instead of evolution of the parietal lobe) Art, tools, customs, etc. all changed. Humans were now dominant in the ecology and they started killing those pesky cats. They started killing everything including each other. That peaked about the time of Rome, when philosophies were developed to cope with war (Stoicism and Buddhism) as well as even Christian philosophy to prevent war.
So here we are now. We have basic instincts for two survival strategies, dominance and cooperation. You can see it inside yourself and pretty much anyone. It's like the story of the two wolves in every person, one good and one bad. Which one wins, depends on which you feed. While my work is far more than that, "how to adapt genetically and strategically to the new ecology of civilization", clearly the violence that endangers civilization must be inhibited. How to do that though. The genetic solution to adaptation is explained in "Genetics For A New Human Ecology". I'm working on "Strategy For A New Human Ecology" currently and one conclusion is that we need to teach the "story of the two wolves", the two potentials of our nature and the consequences. (It's a bit more elaborate than that.) We need to be teaching the most basic of philosophies i.e. the Boy Scout Motto or the Maximums of Delphi. These are what civilization was built on but with the ascendancy of science, for all it's power, it does not answer the existential questions that philosophy does. It even devalues philosophy, calling it obsolete. Really though, most modern problems need to be solved with the answers in philosophy (including population decline). So if the incel problem is about dominance, it seems likely that the best approach to solving it would be to teach basic philosophy etc. Oh, and ladies, a lot of it is up to you. You have your own problems that aggravate this problem. As far as I know though, you will have more choice about how the future turns out than men. Men will do anything for love. You have to choose what it is worth to give it to them.